Based on an article in the Business Brokerage Press: General Business Brokerage, Pricing & Valuation by Kathleen Mauro edited by Steve Whitehill Business brokers are generally very diligent in working with sellers and their CPAs or financial advisors to ensure they understand what the Seller will likely net from a potential […]
Here’s a quick review of the most popular ways businesses get financed: Savings The first and most obvious option is to look at your (non-retirement) savings. If you have mutual funds and other liquid investments, you can liquidate (taxes will be incurred) and apply towards your franchise. Many people feel more secure investing in […]
People decide to invest in a franchise for a variety of reasons: they want to be their own boss; they’re looking to embark on a new career path; they’re hoping for more financial independence. The reasons are many and the allure of owning your own business is strong. As long as […]
So often, people are frustrated about not getting more business referred to them. After all, they say, isn’t that what business networking is all about? What many of these people don’t seem to realize, however, is that they need to actively share information about themselves with the right people before they […]
For anyone who is looking to become a business owner, owning an existing business or franchise may seem like the “easy” way to go about it. But if you think that investing in a business is going to save you the hard work that goes with owning your own business, you’re […]
by Alan Goldberg, Fran-Link Have you recently been itching for something new in your life? Perhaps you’ve had a major life shift such as kids going off to college, divorce or retirement and you can’t help but think – what’s next? Is business ownership your next career move? Here are a […]
By Jason R. Lippman of nFusion Capital I found this to be an interesting read – Steve Whitehill A lot has been written about different ways to manage employees and their time at work—probably too much. But managers will always consume that writing, because managing other human beings will never cease to […]