
Business Valuation is where Selling a Business starts.

Get the Most from Selling Your South Florida Business

You’ve worked hard to build your business, from creating your corporate structure to building relationships and developing your brand. Now you have a profitable enterprise, which you can leverage to springboard into the next chapter of your life. Whether you’re ready to retire, move on to another opportunity or simply take a break, the world is your oyster.

How you proceed next can make a big difference in your final payout. Every decision you make, from the asking price to the final negotiation, has potential pitfalls that can affect your final sale.

That’s where we come in. We’re here to help with every step of the selling process, from creating a plan that fits your needs and goals to the moment you close the deal. You can count on our experience to help get top dollar for your business. We’ll help make the process of selling as smooth and effortless as possible.

Contact us today for expert advice on options that fit your unique situation.

6 Steps to selling your South Florida Business:

Analyze and Value Your Business

When a seller first considers selling their business or planning an exit strategy, the first question that comes to mind is “What is my business worth?” Business valuation is an art and not a science. Thus, you may get varied answers based on the appraiser’s judgment, skill and quality of methodology.

At Anchor Business Brokers, we use a proven method of business valuation alongside other factors to set the optimal asking price for your business.

​​​Create a Customized Sales Strategy

Do you sell widgets to a niche market or hamburgers to the general public? Your business—and you—have unique circumstances that must be considered when creating a sales strategy.

We carefully weigh your business’ position and industry with your situation to create a tailored plan designed to bring you maximum profit.

Market Discreetly

There are many things for sale on Craig’s List, but your business should not be one of them. If your employees, customers or competitors learn that your business is for sale, they may take action. If handled incorrectly, this could negatively impact the day-to-day operation of your company and, ultimately, your selling price.

We can help market your business through the right channels, attracting the attention of viable buyers—and no one else.

Pursue Potential Buyers

It’s good business practice to follow up on leads. But when a business owner pursues a buyer directly, it may change the balance of power. Thinking that you are desperate to sell, your prospective buyers may lower their offer, attempting to get a deal.

As business brokers, we are able to pursue viable prospects on your behalf without affecting the offer price.


It is difficult to objectively negotiate the sale of a business you have built. To you, it represents years of dedication, resources and energy.

We can help you arrive at a fair market price based on objective values. The price of similar businesses in your area and current market trends will be considered. We handle negotiations in a clean, patient, professional manner. The business’ best interest is kept clearly in focus, unclouded by emotions and or personality conflicts.

Close the Sale

We make sure everything is in place to facilitate a speedy and successful closing. Working with accountants and lawyers from Due Diligence through financing and closing, we’ll be there every step of the way.

We take away the worry to save you time and energy while optimizing the value you will receive for your business.

When you choose Anchor Business Brokers, the sale of your most precious asset is in the hands of experienced professionals. We take on tedious tasks like weeding out tire kickers and scheduling meetings with serious buyers, freeing you up to keep your business running smoothly.Saving yourself from overextending your resources during the sales process is more than a convenience. It’s another way to protect your bottom line.

Try our Business Valuation Calculator


Contact us today if you have any questions or would like to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.